A beautiful smile lifts spirits, but it also has a positive effect on the people around you. Tooth loss can significantly impact your quality of life by restricting the ability to eat your favorite food, diminishing your self esteem and inhibiting your social relationships.

Dental implants are the best option for replacing one tooth or even all of your teeth. The implant’s design is comparable to a real tooth, consisting of a biocompatible titanium post (like an artificial root) and a dental crown (the visible portion of the tooth). They are strong, durable and completely safe. When placed and restored by an implant specialist, they truly are a natural looking alternative to real teeth.

With the use of advanced digital imaging technology (to guide the implant placement), we ensure the success of your implant surgical procedure. Our on-site dental lab technician digitally plans your case, printing 3D models and creating surgical guides. At our Salinas, Watsonville and Santa Cruz offices, we consistently provide patients with long-lasting, accurate and predictable results that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

This advanced level of care is often what separates us from those who have told you that your situation does not qualify you for dental implants. At True Bite, we have the training, experience and technology to transform your smile even if your case is complex. Our board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeons can restore your smile and let you eat, laugh, and speak again with full confidence, in as few as 3 appointments.

Am I a dental implant candidate?

Many patients wonder if they are a good candidate for implants. Dental implants are designed to work for most patients, including those with diabetes, heart disease, advanced gum disease, and many other medical conditions. Our surgeons will review your health and medical history in detail during your consultation. They will also need to know about any lifestyle habits, such as smoking, that may interfere with the success of your implants and overall dental health.

What is the cost of dental implants?

Many patients who have missing teeth wonder about the cost of dental implants when preparing to undergo this tooth replacement procedure. On the surface, it might seem like your best option for saving money is to choose dentures or bridges over dental implants. With dental implants you won’t have to pay for new dentures or bridges every few years; dental implants will last. When you invest in dental implants, you’re investing in increased durability: dental implants last about 25 years and they have a 95% success rate. In terms of look, fit, and function, dental implants are as close to real teeth as you can get.

Dental implants are easy to care for too, and can be maintained by simply brushing, flossing and periodic professional dental cleanings. Since implants are so easy to maintain, you’ll be more likely to avoid other health issues that might require additional treatment such as gum disease and tooth decay.

The price of dental implants varies depending on a variety of factors: the number of teeth that need to be replaced (anywhere from a single tooth to an entire set of teeth), the amount of bone loss, and the patient’s overall oral health, etc. If you have missing teeth and you are looking for a permanent tooth replacement option, set up a personalized consultation with our board certified oral surgeons in Salinas, Watsonville and Santa Cruz, CA.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of choices that you have for restoring your beautiful smile, contact our office today.