Building up the foundation for a beautiful smile

If you’re eager to regain your smile through dental implants, but have suffered significant jaw bone loss, you don’t have to settle for living with missing teeth! A missing tooth can cause several health problems in the mouth, even leading to additional tooth loss (the bone in the area where teeth are missing naturally begins to shrink, or resorbs, overtime).

When there is not enough bone, a bone graft is simply the first step you’ll have to take prior to implant placement. The bone graft functions as a scaffold for the adjacent bone to regrow. After 4 to 6 months, the patient’s own bone will replace the grafting material, which is eventually broken down and reabsorbed by the body. The first step towards a healthy smile is to make an appointment with one of our highly trained, board certified oral surgeons.


Your body is designed to heal itself

Today, we have the ability to grow bone where needed and this is possible due to the action of growth factors naturally found in your body. To isolate growth factors, we start by collecting a small amount (about 2 ounces) of your blood and spin it down using a centrifuge to isolate the layer rich in growth factors called Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF). This matrix is then applied to the surgical site to enhance the healing process, increase bone regeneration and to reduce postoperative discomfort.

Design aesthetics and function


Because PRF is derived from a sample of your own blood, it is free of anticoagulants and /or other artificial biochemical modifications.


Disease transmission or allergic reactions is almost impossible since a small amount of blood is harvested from your own blood supply.


Experts have proven that the saturation of the wound with PRF and thus growth factors contribute to faster tissue and bone regeneration and reduces healing and post operative pain.

Third-Party Financing

We offer third-party financing options if needed to help fit your budget.

Find out more with your consultation if this treatment is right for you.